Our Story

In The Beginning...

Just kidding, we won't go back that far.

Faith Fellowship Church was started in 1973 by a group of about fourteen people. Those people wanted, and imagined a church that was truly welcoming to everyone; saved and sinner, churched and unchurched. One that was anchored on the life changing message of the Gospel, and the liberating power of a resurrected Savior. A body of believers supernaturally enabled and empowered, by the Holy Spirit, to advanced the Kingdom of God.

Who We Are Now

Faith Fellowship is a full gospel non-denominational church that believes in the crucified Jesus and the power of His resurrection. We are a family of individuals that have made the decision to put our hope, our trust, our lives, into the hands of the One that came to make us “new.” Our heart and mission is to lead as many people as possible to experience and live out this new life. Simply put: WE EXIST SO OTHERS CAN FIND NEW LIFE THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST.

Where We Are Headed...

More than ever, we are committed to helping individuals find new life through faith in Jesus Christ. A life that restores relationships, rebuilds families,  renews the broken , raises dead to life; a life that changes us to the deepest parts of who we are. The life that is only found through faith in Jesus Christ. We invite you into the journey to become truly committed followers and disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Stories Connect

Even if we’ve never seen you before you walked through our doors, you have always been in our thoughts, and prayers. You are the “other”, the “individual”, the “who-so-ever” that Jesus came to save, YOU ARE WHY WE EXIST. Wherever you are in your faith journey, you’ll always be accepted and welcomed as part of the Faith family. Your new life can start right here, right now.