In Mark 6:5-7; Mark 11:24: Luke 11:2; we see these words "when you pray..." In Luke 22:40, and others, Jesus says "Pray..." The unnamed, and too often forgotten piece of armor that Paul lists in Ephesians 6 is prayer: " praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit..." Prayer is not our secondary option that we go to only "after we've tried everything"; prayer is a lifestyle that allows God to be God in every area of my life. It is inviting the creator, the healer, the restorer, the provider, into my life before I even have an issue or see someone else's struggle. Jesus prayed before He went into cities, before the funerals, before the miracles, so that the answer was already there when He faced the complication, the sickness, or the lack. By submitting the prayer request you are asking and allowing God move in your circumstance.
Prayer Request
The most important thing a person can do is pray, it is us coming together in faith asking, and allowing God to move on your behalf.