Roar Speakers


Kade Young is an apostle of Jesus Christ who has been called to write quick reads to the church that produce God-sized results.

He leads NoLimits Church, equipping believers to work for Jesus. He founded Collaborate Worship, which enables hundreds of thousands of churches worldwide to experience great sound.

Kade is husband to Beth and a blessed father of five. The Young family are newbie farmers, learning to raise sheep, cattle, and chickens.


"Donny and Susie Briscoe moved to Tamale, Ghana, with their two children, Ellie and Zach, in 2013.  They live and work among a primarily Muslim people group, doing church planting and discipleship.  They are faith-based missionaries, who raise their own support, and are ordained through the Independent Assemblies Fellowship.  In the US, they function as a ministry of their home church in Aurora, Missouri, and on the field they serve under Markaz Al Bishara, a Ghanaian, Christian organization that uses development work to open doors for the Gospel."